

Our "TAPING" batik workshop in Indianapolis last week resulted in some exciting and dynamic artwork. For four days, artists cut and tore small pieces of masking tape to create their own exquisite masterpieces. I was very impressed with the paintings they painted, and surprisingly, there was hardly ever any whining for such a tedious technique. We had a really great group of artists at the workshop.
This painting shows my workshop demo with all the tape removed and adjustments made. The dark batik-like textures were created when the paint leaked between pieces of torn or cut tape. The reference photo is also posted here.
Soon I'll post some of the workshoppers' masterpieces. EYE CANDY TIME:-) Off to another workshop later this week..... Life is so good!
"POPPING WITH COLOR" Transparent Watercolor on 140#HP Arches, 19 x 15" COLLECTED