Grandkids are such a blessing, and we have a nine year old and three six year olds who love to make art in the studio. This weekend, Ty decided he had to make a really BIG turkey and wanted a big piece of paper. The first masterpiece shown here is his, and it's 18 x 24". Isn't that huge bird just gorgeous with all those exquisite feathers!?! Awesome.
Paige's turkey shows her natural talent at making a fashion statement - on a turkey! She is very creative, especially with the way she made those incredible feathers float so gracefully around the turkey. She told me that I get to keep the painting, and I'll treasure it forever.
Jillian's turkey has the bluest eyes, just like hers, and the colors on each feather are so intense and striking. I love that smile, too. Notice the clever way she wrote her name. What a marvelous painting!
Brant gave me his art paper sculpture of a Native American Indian that he made at school. It will be part of our Thanksgiving decorations, too, and is already hanging above the table for everyone to enjoy.
Before these turkeys were created, the six year olds also made our place setting decorations for the holiday table. They'll be posted tomorrow. I just love children's art!