Once the painting's completed, it's actually totally covered with many bits of masking tape. Then the tape is carefully removed to reveal the painting underneath. I love the surprise element involved in this kind of process, and I never know for sure until the very end if the painting is working or not.

This April, the Watercolor Society of Indiana is sponsoring a 4 day workshop in Indianapolis, Indiana, where I'll be teaching this unique watercolor process. Check out the side bar for more info or click HERE.

Double click on the any of the paintings to see the taping effects or batik look better.

This van is the one I drove back and forth to my hometown in the late '90's to teach classes two days a week...putting over 12,000 miles on that van in one year alone! I did see LOTS of orange construction barrels, for sure.

This is one of my very first taping paintings, and it's won two Best of Shows! The photo also came from Sauder's Village in northwestern Ohio.

became more about the feeling of the house than of an accurate rendition of the place.

Thanks so much for 'grazing' through this collection of Tape/BATIK LOOK Paintings. One of these days, I'll try to post a taping in progress to show you just strange it looks before the tape's removed. Be sure to checkout the WSI workshop on the sidebar if you're interested in learning hands on how to create watercolors or fluid acrylics with this technique.