I'm home from the workshop. WHAT A WORKSHOP! Craftsummer, as it's called, began over 30 years ago at Oxford's Miami University and originated as a craft oriented program. Now its focus is fine art and artisan works - and it's an absolutely amazing opportunity for artists and art teachers to gain new directions in their art journeys.
In a week or so, I'll be able to post a slide show of the incredible batiks that this talented class created. You'll be impressed .... no, you'll be blown away by the creativity and quality of work which these fifteen gifted artists produced.
When I checked my emails, I found that Nava from http://navartpact.blogspot.com/ has awarded me the Arte y Pico award. Arte y Pico is a blog from Uruguay, whose blogger has come up with this award. It features a gracious angel with a batik looking dress and wings ready to soar - very impressive!
What's Art y Pico mean? As Ana, the award originator puts it, "Basically, ironically, it translates into a wonderful phrase in Mexico, 'lo maximo'. It will never find its counterpart in English, but if it HAD to, it would be something like, Wow. The Best Art. Over the top".
I'll soon be passing this special award onto five other artists' blogs that are awesome. THANK YOU SO MUCH, NAVA, for passing the award on to me.