Welcome to my painting world. Here you'll discover the art journey I've enjoyed while experimenting with many kinds of watermedia. In my studio on the west side of Cincinnati, Ohio, I offer several weekly Open Studio Group Sessions filled with great info and critiques, as well as weekend workshops occasionally throughout the year. You may also find me traveling in Europe teaching watermedia workshops. Leave a comment if you like. Hope you will be back soon. Thanks for stopping by.
The close up below shows some detail of most of those areas. Click on it and you can see the effects of the fluid paint as it slid around on the plastic paper - especially on the coat area. I did use miskit to help make the grasses have a sense of depth.
Much of the paint was allowed to 'run around' and do its thing within the area where I wanted those particular value and colors to be placed. When I paint 'loosey juicy' on YUPO, I've found that it's best to keep my brush out of the flow of the paint, or it'll end up looking over worked and muddy.
This morning's class will involve another YUPO demo using the window washing squeegee and some foam paint rollers, along with a lot of spritzing and lifting. Got to get some sleep so I'll be raring to go in class. I'll post the results soon.
"CAPTAIN TINSLEY" Transparent Watercolor on Heavy Weight YUPO about 17 x 25" COLLECTED
My sister-in-law, Chris, took the reference photo, posted below, on one of her trips to Holland. The tulips were done blooming by the time we went there together. The photo has been used for information and inspiration, but, as you can see, I took a lot of liberty to change the layout and colors to suit the romance I tried to create in the painting.
If you're an artist working with watercolors or fluid acrylics and you haven't tried YUPO yet, it's time to start. Working on this surface opens up so many possibilities that are not available with regular, cotton watercolor paper.
YUPO is an extremely high grade plastic surface that will last for a very long time. Both sides are the same, and there's a very thin layer of foam between the surfaces. If you like to experiment, to grow, to try something exciting, order some YUPO and enjoy the journey!
"AMAZING GRACE" Transparent Watercolor on YUPO 20 x 13" COLLECTED