Welcome to my painting world. Here you'll discover the art journey I've enjoyed while experimenting with many kinds of watermedia. In my studio on the west side of Cincinnati, Ohio, I offer several weekly Open Studio Group Sessions filled with great info and critiques, as well as weekend workshops occasionally throughout the year. You may also find me traveling in Europe teaching watermedia workshops. Leave a comment if you like. Hope you will be back soon. Thanks for stopping by.
This painting was done in early Decermber as a demo for our Cincinnati Watercolor Society. My Michigan friend, Lynne, took the photo and allowed me to paint from it. She's got a great eye for wildlife photography and has the uncanny ability of being in the right place at the right time for exquisite photos.
I think the cardinal's looking for spring. It's sure been cold and wintery here all week, and I'd welcome a warm day. Don't think that'll happen for a couple of months.
Thank you so much, Lynne, for letting me use your photo.
"KLINGER'S CARDINAL" Transparent Watercolor on 140#CP Arches 13 x 18"
Just beautiful--I love how the bloom on the cardinal's chest suggests volume. And the background is amazing: I did a few cardinal pictures last month and was never happy with the background.
4 days with bonus fifth day - Oct. 3- 6, 2025
Explore unique approaches to your paintings. This exciting workshop will inspire you to grow in both intent, expression, and composition. Contact Sandy at sandymaudlin@gmail.com to learn more.
4 days- April 25-28, 2025
Learn how to create magnificent abstract art embedded with meaning, making collagraphs, using stencils and stamps to enhance the meaningful shapes and textures we create.The owner of Stencil Girl, Mary Beth will supply almost all the things we’ll need for the workshop- no need to buy anything new this time! Design and Composition will be emphasized throughout these four days. Contact Sandy at sandymaudlin@gmail.com to learn more.
Instructor - SANDY MAUDLIN
March 14-16, 2025 - Friday-Sunday
YOUR CHOICE OF SUBJECT using hot WAX AND WATERCOLOR to CREATE BEAUTIFUL TEXTURES with amazing results. Sandy will guide you, demoing, using her processes, as you create two wax batiks during this 3 day workshop. Waxing supplies are included. Near Cincinnati, Ohio. Contact Sandy at sandymaudlin@gmail.com for more info.
French Painting Holiday
Enjoy painting in our French art studio, exploring nearby quaint French villages, and experiencing true country French living in this southern part of France. And the cuisine is absolutely fantastic, too, BEST I’ve ever eaten. We be staying in a medieval, restored convent that was a girls’ school in years past, and this will be my 9th year teaching there.
All levels of artists are welcome, even beginners. Watermedia/watercolor/acrylics are taught, with the focus on improving composition. Contact me at sandymaudlin@gmail.com for more info on this excursion of a lifetime.
If you would like to purchase a painting, please email. To view all unsold paintings, check under Labels, (below on the right) and click on "AVAILABLE." The posts listed there are of paintings that may be presently available. Paintings labeled 'COLLECTED' after their title have been previously purchased.
ALL work on this blog is my property, copyrighted by me, or property of fellow artist, used with permission, and cannot be copied in any manner or media without my written permission. Thanks.
So nicely moody! This little guy does look like he can't wait for some sunshine.
Happy 2009!!
Beautiful painting of the cardinal and I love the background.
this is beautiful Sandy, so lovely to see thanks!
Beautiful cardinal but I love the background most.
Just beautiful--I love how the bloom on the cardinal's chest suggests volume. And the background is amazing: I did a few cardinal pictures last month and was never happy with the background.
Thank you, everyone, for taking time to stop and leave a comment.
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